Comments on: Stocherkahne und Radler Stories and photos from Alex Ravenel's travels through Europe Tue, 09 Aug 2011 16:56:20 +0000 by: Alex Ravenel Thu, 08 Sep 2005 14:25:23 +0000 I could see it being bad if it wasnt a good one. If that mixture of beer to lemon got messed up, it would be pretty bad, but the ones I've had from the beergarden here are pretty good. I could see it being bad if it wasnt a good one. If that mixture of beer to lemon got messed up, it would be pretty bad, but the ones I’ve had from the beergarden here are pretty good.

by: Lorenzo Wed, 07 Sep 2005 23:24:57 +0000 when i was in munich this summer, i had a radler, and it was absolutely gross. I stuck to the Dunkel. when i was in munich this summer, i had a radler, and it was absolutely gross. I stuck to the Dunkel.

by: Alex Ravenel Tue, 06 Sep 2005 17:52:09 +0000 Sounds very similar. I think I saw something like that in the "Getraenkemarkt" earlier today. Sounds very similar. I think I saw something like that in the “Getraenkemarkt” earlier today.

by: Cat Tue, 06 Sep 2005 17:36:54 +0000 radlers, and "green lemon bier" are really good. we had a bunch of those at our grosses fest when sommerkurs ended. radlers, and “green lemon bier” are really good. we had a bunch of those at our grosses fest when sommerkurs ended.
